@KoryKane100 Marvin Gaye inspired writing i actually wrote these verse while I was incarcerated. This message that I speak is for young black male I particularly because I am and was and have sons young black males. Today’s society will not admit to targeting young black Male influencing them to fail with the easy access to guns , bad drugs, alcohol essential creating a cycle of sex money drugs and murder. I’m using my platform as a way to speak to you male in general affected by the system family affected by the lack of strong male role in the family structure. Mercy me they lie and they deceive. You living savagely? Today’s slang is Be Savage? That’s a mentality Being Savages? We should be Kingdom . Mercy me speaks a plethora of situations women having children just to get public assistance? Baby daddy caught a case trying to get she won’t even visit . These were eye witnessed events that we have to address and work towards a better tomorrow. Dr King had a Dream did it fail or prevail ?
This is one of my greatest writing.
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Kory Kane is back with his latest NerveDJs Featured release "GLOW" and it represents a Shine from within that gives us strength this is Another Day in the Soap House Kory Kane Depiction of Making products Home-based business mixed with a Gangsta Beat and bar for Bar trilogy as he shows he rhythmic schemes.